Namespaces | Functions

glut-font-effects.cpp File Reference

#include "glut-font-effects.h"
#include "perf/perf.h"
#include "util/parsing.h"
#include "wave-glut/wave-glut.h"
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namespace  glut


smart_ptr< FontEffect > glut::getCharacterAdvanceEffect (IN smart_ptr< Font > &font, IN const char *lines, IN int millisecondsPerCharacter, IN const glut_color_t &color)
 this font effect will write out lines of text one character at a time.
void glut::breakLongString (IN const char *text, IN Font *font, IN int maxPixelWidth, OUT std::string &output)
 given a long sequence of words in a given font, this routine returns the same words, only with line breaks inserted so that a single line is never longer than the specified width.