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tex-sphere.cpp File Reference

#include "opengl-effects.h"
#include "perf/perf.h"
#include "wave-glut/texture.h"
#include <GL/glut.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
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namespace  glut


static const sphere_vertex_t * glut::getSphereVertices (void)
smart_ptr< Renderable > glut::createMappedSphere (IN const tex_sphere_t &ts)
 create a texture-mapped sphere (mercator projection) The sphere will be oriented so that north is the positive y-direction, and that will be the top of the texture (v=1 coordinate)


static const int glut::s_degreesPerSlice = 9
static const int glut::s_vertexCount