Public Types | Public Member Functions

glut::Host Class Reference
[Wavepacket Glut Library Wrapper]

If a client wants to use this library's glut helper entry point, it needs to supply an object that supports this interface. More...

#include <wave-glut.h>

Inheritance diagram for glut::Host:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Types

enum  eBehavior {
  eContinue = 1,
  eExit = 2,
  eInvalid = 0

Public Member Functions

virtual ~Host (void) throw ()
virtual void init (void)
 Called once, at initialization (just before main glut loop).
virtual eBehavior tick (IN float dt)
 Called on every glut idle event, with elapsed seconds since last.
virtual void display (IN int w, IN int h)
 Called for every display frame.
virtual eBehavior mouseMove (IN int x, IN int y)
 Called on mouse motion (see glutPassiveMotionFunc()).
virtual eBehavior mouseButton (IN int button, IN int state, IN int x, IN int y)
 Called on mouse button events (see glutMouseFunc()).
virtual eBehavior keyboard (IN int key, IN int mods)
 Called on keyboard events.
virtual eBehavior specialKey (IN int key, IN int mods)
 Called when a special key is pressed (see glutSpecialFunc()).
virtual int shutdown (void)
 Called only once, at glut shutdown.

Detailed Description

If a client wants to use this library's glut helper entry point, it needs to supply an object that supports this interface.

Definition at line 113 of file lib/wave-glut/wave-glut.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation


continue in glut loop


exit program immediately


Definition at line 116 of file lib/wave-glut/wave-glut.h.

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