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Demo application base class
[Wavepacket GLUT Libraries]

Simple base class to support demos and test programs. More...

Collaboration diagram for Demo application base class:


class  glut::DisplayLine
 represents a single (small) status line to overlay in the demo More...
class  glut::DemoHost
 You'll need to provide a class that inherits from DemoHost. More...


typedef std::vector< smart_ptr
< DisplayLine > > 


virtual glut::DisplayLine::~DisplayLine (void) throw ()
virtual ePosition glut::DisplayLine::getPosition (void)=0
virtual const char * glut::DisplayLine::getText (void)=0
virtual glut::DemoHost::~DemoHost (void) throw ()
virtual int glut::DemoHost::getWidth (void)
virtual int glut::DemoHost::getHeight (void)
virtual float glut::DemoHost::getDelta (void)
virtual void glut::DemoHost::onInit (void)
 host can perform any pre-rendering work here
virtual bool glut::DemoHost::displayAxes (void)
 want to display the tricolor xyz axes?
virtual bool glut::DemoHost::displayQueuedPolys (void)
 want to draw queued (transparent) polygons?
virtual void glut::DemoHost::getDisplayLines (OUT vec_display_lines_t &lines)
 host can provide additional display lines
virtual void glut::DemoHost::onShutdown (void)
 host is notified just before shutdown
virtual void glut::DemoHost::onCursor (IN int x, IN int y)
 host is notified that mouse has moved
virtual void glut::DemoHost::onButton (IN int button, IN int state, IN int x, IN int y)
 host is notified that mouse button has been pressed/released
virtual void glut::DemoHost::onKey (IN int key, IN int mods)
 host is notified that a key has been pressed
virtual void glut::DemoHost::onIdle (IN float dt)
 host is notified per frame, and is told the time delta in seconds
virtual void glut::DemoHost::display3D (IN const render_context_t &rc, IN RenderQueue *rq)
 host is notified that GL is set up for 3D drawing (called per frame)
virtual void glut::DemoHost::display2D (IN int width, IN int height)
 host is notified that GL is set up for 2D drawing (called per frame)
void glut::startDemo (IN int argc, IN const char *argv[], IN const char *title, IN DemoHost *host)
 use this method to kick off a quick demo (provide an instance of your own host, inherited from glut::DemoHost ).

Detailed Description

Simple base class to support demos and test programs.

Typedef Documentation

typedef std::vector<smart_ptr<DisplayLine> > glut::vec_display_lines_t

Definition at line 75 of file glut-demo.h.

Function Documentation

glut::DisplayLine::~DisplayLine ( void   )  throw () [virtual, inherited]

Definition at line 38 of file glut-demo.cpp.

virtual ePosition glut::DisplayLine::getPosition ( void   )  [pure virtual, inherited]
virtual const char* glut::DisplayLine::getText ( void   )  [pure virtual, inherited]
glut::DemoHost::~DemoHost ( void   )  throw () [virtual, inherited]

Definition at line 710 of file glut-demo.cpp.

virtual int glut::DemoHost::getWidth ( void   )  [inline, virtual, inherited]

Definition at line 97 of file glut-demo.h.

virtual int glut::DemoHost::getHeight ( void   )  [inline, virtual, inherited]

Definition at line 98 of file glut-demo.h.

virtual float glut::DemoHost::getDelta ( void   )  [inline, virtual, inherited]

Definition at line 99 of file glut-demo.h.

virtual void glut::DemoHost::onInit ( void   )  [inline, virtual, inherited]

host can perform any pre-rendering work here

Definition at line 102 of file glut-demo.h.

virtual bool glut::DemoHost::displayAxes ( void   )  [inline, virtual, inherited]

want to display the tricolor xyz axes?

Definition at line 105 of file glut-demo.h.

virtual bool glut::DemoHost::displayQueuedPolys ( void   )  [inline, virtual, inherited]

want to draw queued (transparent) polygons?

Definition at line 108 of file glut-demo.h.

virtual void glut::DemoHost::getDisplayLines ( OUT vec_display_lines_t lines  )  [inline, virtual, inherited]

host can provide additional display lines

Definition at line 111 of file glut-demo.h.

virtual void glut::DemoHost::onShutdown ( void   )  [inline, virtual, inherited]

host is notified just before shutdown

Definition at line 115 of file glut-demo.h.

virtual void glut::DemoHost::onCursor ( IN int  x,
IN int  y 
) [inline, virtual, inherited]

host is notified that mouse has moved

Definition at line 118 of file glut-demo.h.

virtual void glut::DemoHost::onButton ( IN int  button,
IN int  state,
IN int  x,
IN int  y 
) [inline, virtual, inherited]

host is notified that mouse button has been pressed/released

Definition at line 121 of file glut-demo.h.

virtual void glut::DemoHost::onKey ( IN int  key,
IN int  mods 
) [inline, virtual, inherited]

host is notified that a key has been pressed

Definition at line 124 of file glut-demo.h.

virtual void glut::DemoHost::onIdle ( IN float  dt  )  [inline, virtual, inherited]

host is notified per frame, and is told the time delta in seconds

Definition at line 127 of file glut-demo.h.

virtual void glut::DemoHost::display3D ( IN const render_context_t rc,
IN RenderQueue rq 
) [inline, virtual, inherited]

host is notified that GL is set up for 3D drawing (called per frame)

Definition at line 130 of file glut-demo.h.

virtual void glut::DemoHost::display2D ( IN int  width,
IN int  height 
) [inline, virtual, inherited]

host is notified that GL is set up for 2D drawing (called per frame)

Definition at line 134 of file glut-demo.h.

void glut::startDemo ( IN int  argc,
IN const char *  argv[],
IN const char *  title,
IN DemoHost *  host 

use this method to kick off a quick demo (provide an instance of your own host, inherited from glut::DemoHost ).

this routine does not return. It is fine to leak your DemoHost object, although better to wrap it with a smart_ptr<T>.