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light-path.cpp File Reference

#include "light-path.h"
#include <math.h>
#include "perf/perf.h"
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namespace  glut


static void glut::setSegment (IN const point3d_t &p0, IN const point3d_t &p1, IN const matrix4_t &T, IN int genTextureId, IN int outTextureId, IN Framebuffer *framebuffer, IN float size, IN const glut::render_context_t &rc, OUT poly_request_t *pr)
static int glut::compareSegments (IN const void *p1, IN const void *p2) throw ()

void glut::drawTransparentPath (IN const point3d_t *pointArray,IN int *textureArray,IN int nSegments, IN Framebuffer *framebuffer, IN float size, IN int textureId, IN const render_context_t &rc, IN RenderQueue *rq)
 draws a path, creating a texture normal to the viewer along each segment.


static const float glut::s_eps = 1.0e-6